GROWING COMMUNITIES: Empowerment through social permaculture
Project n. 2020-1-ES01-KA204-083036

The “GROWING COMMUNITIES: Empowerment through social permaculture” project responds to two important challenges in Europe: social inclusion and environmental & climate goals, by using an innovative approach to social permaculture, community gardening and sustainable lifestyles.
Increasing food autonomy and changing consumption patterns towards sustainable habits could be a way for adult educators to motivate and empower final beneficiaries to improve their socio-economic situation, health and educational opportunities.
The target groups and final beneficiaries were adults, especially from disadvantaged rural areas or problematic suburban neighborhoods, seniors 55+ exposed to loneliness, adults who face economic instability and risk of social exclusion.

Helping them acquire a wide set of skills, knowledge and competences needed for participating actively in modern society in a lifelong perspective:
critical thinking, civic and environmental awareness, food autonomy, healthy lifestyles, etc.
The project consolidated the efforts of 3 organizations from Spain (EDUPLUS), Germany (Kulturlabor – Try & Error) and Romania (DOMINOU Association). The partnership worked jointly on the development of 3 intellectual outputs:
- A European Educational model to empower adult educators to teach learners, including adults from disadvantaged backgrounds, to become true actors of change in their local communities.
- Bite-size learning tools – a set of training and self-paced learning materials (OER) that support disadvantaged groups and adult educators in implementing transformative community processes.
- An Engagement program / Guide for Facilitators of Micro-Trainings designed for 60 adults to increase their motivation for participation in the society, with a focus on those with fewer possibilities – they will exchange experience during microtrainings and social activities with peers.

Guide for Facilitators of Micro-Trainings
(It includes: Training Kit for Facilitators, Activities and Guide of Best Practices)
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You must give appropriate credit to the Growing Communities project and Easmus+, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
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- EDUPLUS Association (Spain)
- Kulturlabor – Try & Error (Germany)
- DOMINOU Association (Romania)
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