Promoting creative non-verbal teaching techniques to foster social inclusion and group cohesion.
Project n.: KA210-ADU-C2EAAB9A
With this small-scale partnership, we aim to train trainers who work with migrant or disadvantaged adults in using creative teaching techniques and non-verbal methods to promote social inclusion.
Our target groups are trainers working with migrants and adults with fewer opportunities.
The final beneficiaries will be the migrants or disadvantaged people who will participate in the workshops set up by the adult education trainers who will participate in our training courses.
We will implement the following activities:
- Mapping of existing methods
- Observation visit to a training course in Spain
- Creation of a training plan for adult trainers.
- Face-to-face training in France
- Creation of video content.
- Online course including educational materials and workshop videos.
- Local workshops in France and Spain (with trainers and migrants or disadvantaged adults)
- Multiplier events
Expected results:
Creation of free educational resources (training plan, videos, online platform) for the general public.
For trainers: Improved intercultural skills, skills in using non-verbal techniques and integration of training resources.
For migrant and disadvantaged adults:
- Development of basic and transversal skills (ability to cooperate, creativity, self-regulation, etc.)
- Improvement of their intercultural skills;
- Acquisition of new knowledge on the advantages of non-verbal techniques;
- Improvement of their state of mind with regard to local culture and their participation in society;
- Improved self-confidence, sense of purpose and personal accomplishment;
- Improved sense of belonging and community spirit;
On continue! Association (France)
Eduplus Association (Spain)
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