Seniors in Action!
Project n. 2020-1-PL01-KA204-082300
Aimed at both the elderly and educational staff working with seniors, this Erasmus+ project is all about Active Ageing.

The overall goal of the project was to develop civic awareness, involvement and socio-educational activity of seniors in order to use their potential, increase participation, and prevent social exclusion of people over 55 years old.
The “Seniors in Action” project partners carried out:
- Short mobility trainings for the educational teams of the project partners
- Special trips for participants of the project aged 55+, for them to participate in activities with seniors and staff of other countries
- Classes / workshops / educational trainings

During these activities, we tackled various issues essential to supporting seniors. To name few:
- Lifelong learning and education,
- Shaping entrepreneurial attitudes,
- Engagement in civic matters, including volunteering
- Overcoming psychological barriers and limitations related to the so-called “Third Age”

The result of the project was:
- the exchange of experiences between the involved partners and seniors participating in the activities and mobility
- the improvement of multilateral cooperation in the international environment
- an increased awareness of the cultural diversity of the partner countries, within the scope of active ageing
The long-term effect of the project will be the organization and implementation of high-quality forms of support for seniors, aimed at reducing the risk of social exclusion of this group of people.

- Foundation for the Support of Handicapped People „WYJDŹ Z DOMU” (Poland)
- Development Agency Kozjansko (Slovenia)
- EDUNET Association (Romania)
- EDUPLUS Association (Spain)

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